Why you need to improve your SEO, latest SEO tips


        As we all know about SEO and keywords these days and most of us are just stuck at the same old school methods for SEO. If you are reading this content, I am assuming that you are not getting the best outcomes even though you are putting in all your efforts for keyword research and SEO friendly content writing. The purpose of writing this blog is to tell you the right things to put your efforts on and get the best results. In this blog you will learn where you are doing the mistake, what are the latest and updated SEO tips and a 7-tip formula for better SEO. 

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What is the basic purpose of SEO?

        If we look back to the time when SEO was started to happen at every big firm, we will notice that its basic purpose was to optimize the content of our website in such a way that it dominates our competitors, and our website ranks top on Google. But now a days SEO experts just focus on the high-volume keywords research that their competitors are ranking on and building their content around those keywords. Competitor keywords have become our only priority now and that's why we are not getting the best results for our efforts.

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How old school SEO works?

        Old school SEO methods or i must say the classic SEO practice is to use SEO tools like Answer the Public or Uber Suggest researching the keywords our competitors are ranking on and then creating content around those keywords. after that we find and create links and then wait to get traffic, but this old school method doesn't work anymore. The reason behind that is very simple. Each day the number of searches on google are increasing massively and now 8.5 billion searches are made on google every day. Yeah, that’s a big number and that why you need some new tips to work on.

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Here are few tips to improve your old school SEO methods.

7 Tips to improve SEO:

1. Use keywords that have low competition but high CPC (cost per click):

        While doing the keyword research most of us just basically focus on the keyword's Search volume. Keyword's Search Volume means the number of audience that a keyword can potentially hold. Old school SEO persons think that targeting the wide area of audience can give them a high number of audiences. This statement can be true partially, but the fact is that those keywords who have low competition and high CPC (Cost-per-click) can give you more engagements on search engine hence improving your site rank. 

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2. Find something new to post:

        When we are observing our competitors and their keywords, we usually start making content that they are already creating and getting ranked. The first rule of creating content is to make it unique make it different but most of us are just trying to copy what others do and that's why we don't see the results we expect. we need to understand that we cannot outrank our competitors if we are just copying what they are already doing and that where the practice of making Content Callender is considered the best. Big organization and marketing experts like Neil Patel, Investopedia and Google prefer to create their content calendar as it helps them to create unique content and post it on regular basis. That is why creating new content always helps to outrank the competitors.

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3. Focus on building a brand:

        It doesn't matter how big or small you are or how new you are to a specific field; you must always develop yourself and your content like a brand. A brand thinks in a different way keeping discipline, quality and consistency in their work and this is what you have to follow in your work. No matter what your niche is, always focus on branding and these rules that a brand follows. In that way your content will have much more credibility even as a beginner and people will engage with your content with more trust.

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4. Keep updating your content:

        Updating content is one of the most affecting ways of improving rank on google. you have probably heard about Wikipedia, one of the most content generating website on google. Wikipedia always ranks on google in most of the searches and the reason behind that is Wikipedia content keeps updating every day and new content is also being added to the website. on average hundreds of new contents are being posted on Wikipedia and thousands of articles are updated every day. This is your reminder to update your content and always stay UpToDate.  

5. Work on the content where your competitor is not willing to:

        This is the point where you have to think like a businessman. Consider an example that there are two persons, Person 1 and person 2. Person 1 is doing a business of a fast-food restaurant and is working well in that business. Now person 2 also decides to open a fast-food restaurant and he looks at the person 1 and starts the business. Now if you notice, person 1 has already established his business and is working well and if the person 2 needs to earn better than him then he needs to do something that his competitor is not doing and therefor person 2 decided that he will offer free home delivery service to his clients and that his unique point of selling. In this way person 2 outranks his competitor as he chooses to do something that person 1 wasn't willing to. Similarly in SEO it doesn't matter if you have a lot of competitors, you just have to find a unique selling point or in simple words do something that your competitor isn't willing to do.

6. Think outside the box:

        Always think outside the box. Most of the people are busy copying others and they forget the uniqueness of their mind. Try to find unique ways of representing your content. create content that creates a spark. Find topics that can go viral. In that way even if you have the same niche as your competitor but people will look for you because of that unique element you have in your content.  

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7. Keep improving your experience in SEO:

        Improving is the key to be better. There are so many different tools, services and techniques for SEO that comes out every day and that's why you must always look for improvement. This is the era of Artificial Intelligence, and we all know that new information's comes out every day so keep improving if you don't want to stay behind.

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        In the end of all this information you must be thinking that all the information or knowledge that you got from YouTube channels was a waste. No, it isn't. All those strategies you learned will help you grow but you need to make sure that you do the right thing on the right time. Always remember that "the efforts that are done on wrong time or wrong people, never gives a better output. 

Ask for any queries or marketing tips on our Facebook Page or send us an email at digitalmarketing7747@gmail.com.    

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