What is Freelancing? How to earn money online?


    Freelancing and earning money online is one of the most searched queries on the internet today. Everyone wants to earn online so that they can comfortably work from home and use their skills. Unfortunately job opportunities in most of the courtiers is very low and due to that reason, most of the educated people and skilled persons are still unemployed. Today we will be discussing what is freelancing, how can you earn money online and how to create a career in freelancing.

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Introduction to Freelancing:

    You all must be thinking what is freelancing? why this term is used by so many people? what is the meaning of freelancing? how freelancing works? Don't worry all your questions will be answered in this blog. Freelancing means working independently for different organizations without the worry of going to offices and 9 to 5 jobs. Freelancing is a time free work which means you can work as a freelancer any time of the day. Freelancing is not for just computer guys as most of you thinks that freelancing is just for the people who have a degree in computer science or software engineering. Infact freelancing is for every person who has a skill.  For example, if you are a good writer and you can write books then you can do it online and sell this skill. You can just simply write for people and get paid. Similarly, anyone can sell their skills online and earn money.

Types of freelancing:

    Freelancing was first introduced a part time job but now a days people are freelancing full time a career. Some of them are working for companies and some are working on different projects. On the basis of that, Freelancing is now divided into these main types.

  • Contract work
  • Project work
  • Temporary work
  • Moonlighter
  • Independent contractor

Contract work:

    Contract work in freelancing means that a person is working for one company for a long time. It's like an online agreement that a company like your work and offers you to do work for them. It's not like a 9 to 5 job. The person is free to work any time from their home, but the only condition is that they will work for that company only. This type of freelancing is usually chosen by the people who wants to work with a company so that someday in future they can migrate to other countries to work in that companies and build their future in that country. Also, some people like to work for one single company because it is less hassle and stress to work for one single company than to work for different company every week.

Project work:

    Project work is very simple. In this type of freelancing, you just get hired for a specific project for a short period of time and when the project is done, you get paid and start looking for a new project. In this type of freelancing, you have the benefit of working for different companies every week and get different experiences from everyone. Also, in project work you don't have to work for a long time. As soon as you finish your project you are free to find new projects. Project work is usually giving benefit to the new freelancers as they don't have much experience and its difficult for them to get hired by one company for Long-term. 

Temporary Work:

    This is the most common type of freelancing that most of the people are doing. In this particular type, People work as a freelancer for Part-time and are already working in a 9 to 5 job. Most of the people choose this type so that they can have a side income as a freelancer and main income from their 9 to 5 job. This temporary work as a freelancer helps them manage their budgets and use their skills so that their skills don't go waste.


    Most of you might be hearing this term for the first time but I am sure that you already know what it really means. Let me explain! Some people work from 9 to 5 in offices and some works as a freelancer and also doing 9 to 5 jobs. But there are some people who only works as a freelancer and freelancing their only source of income. These people are called moonlighters as they are working as a freelancer full time and do no other jobs except freelancing. These people peruse their career in freelancing only and focus on this as their only career.

Independent contractor:

    Independent contractors are very similar to the Project workers. Independent contract freelancers usually work for any kind of projects that mostly includes third party's involvements. Using third party is one of the famous ways of earning online as a freelancer. In this specific technique people get projects from freelancing platforms like Upwork or Freelancer and hire another freelancer from a different platform. In this way they just cut their commission and the work is done by someone else. Although this is not a legal way but most of the people use it to earn money online.

Why choose Freelancing? 

    Freelancing is not just about working online and earning money. Its more than that. With the help of freelancing, you can show your skills to the world. You don't have to stick to one company and stay there all your life knowing that when you retire there is no one who will know your name. By doing freelancing you have an open opportunity work for anyone you want, anywhere you want. And this biggest benefit of freelancing is that there is no age limit in freelancing. Anyone with skills can do freelancing. You don't have to worry about retirements or degrees. Your work is your experience, and you don't have to ask anyone for recommendation letters to get you a job. Freelancing is a dignify way of working and gives you an easy of working from home without travelling anywhere.

Tips for Freelancing:

    Freelancing looks easy and it really is. But you have to follow some rules if you want success as a freelancer. There are a few tips to follow, and you can become a professional freelancer and earn better.

  • Focus on your real skills
  • Behave as a professional
  • Be consistent
  • Find projects that you can really work on
  • Don't be greedy and demand for an average pay especially if you are a beginner
  • Give more time to freelancing platforms
  • Build your trust on your clients

These are a few basic tips when you start your career as a freelancer. There are many more tips that you will learn gradually with your experience. 


    Freelancing is a good and respectful way of earning money online. But you have to deal this professionally. Freelancing is also a responsibility as you are representing your whole community. Therefor do not engage in any illegal activities and always follow the rules.

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