What is social media marketing? How it helps Brands in marketing?

Introduction to Social Media Marketing:

    Social Media Marketing is the massive outbreak in marketing these days. Using social media channels like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter is a very popular marketing tactic by most of the brands and companies. There are around 5 billion active users of social media, and you can imagine how massive is this market. No brand or company can ignore such a massive opportunity for marketing their products. There for the trend of using social media platforms for marketing is now one of the main reason brands are making huge sales every year. Let's talk about a few important things you should know before you start your career in this huge marketing industry.

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What are Social Media Platforms?

    Social Media Platforms are based on one basic principle and that is to help people socialize around the globe. if we talk about one of the most famous social media platform "Facebook", it alone has a total number of 3 billion monthly active users and is currently operating in 156 countries out of 167. This shows the power of this platform around the globe. You can meet anyone from anywhere around the globe on this platform and this is the basic principle of Social Media Platforms. Aside of just connecting people around the globe, social media platforms also have a massive influence on their users as these platforms gives people the freedom of speech within a specific limit. Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are well known for their huge audience network and thus making these platforms the three Giants of Social Media. 

How Social Media Marketing (SMM) works?

    In social media marketing, businesses and brands use these platforms to market their services and products. an average person uses social media for 3 to 5 hours a day and that's happening every day of the week. This regular routine of people using social media every day helps brands and companies to interact with the people and thus allowing them a great opportunity to showcase their services and products. In Social Media Marketing a new brand or company can get a massive audience without paying to anyone. There is no need of a physical shop or location, anyone can use social media platforms for marketing their products and services. Creating Business Pages, Groups and Channels are the main ways of using social media platforms for marketing. 

Why Social Media Marketing is necessary for a business? 

    Let's understand this point with an example. Consider that you are about to open a shop and looking for a location to open that shop. What would be your first requirement for that shop? most certainly you would want to get your shop at a location where you have more chances to attract people. The more people at a place, the more chances you have to get customers. You would never make a shop at some place where nobody lives. and that's the main why social media marketing is necessary for a business. In this modern era of technology everyone is accessing information on their phone and as we have mentioned above an average person send 3 to 5 hours a day on social media platforms. This is the biggest opportunity for any business to showcase their products on anyone's phone anywhere around the world. No hassle for making banners and hanging them by the roads or wait for the customers to get out of their homes in a sunny day and visit your shop. You are already in their phone, and they can see any products of your business on their phones.

Social media marketing and a Brand's Success:

    Social media marketing has a great influence in a brand's success. Every month a new brand launches on internet and the first thing they do is to make their place in the market. For every new brand the first important factor is to tell everyone about their existence and that's where social media marketing plays a crucial role. For every brand it is necessary to become stable withing a few months of their launch and therefor social media marketing is a big help for these brands. Marketing a brand on social media not only gives you a large amount of audience but also helps a brand to build a trust bond with its audience.

How social media marketing can help achieve marketing goals? 

    Most of the times we are questioned that how our SMM can make a difference. How can SMM achieve marketing goals? Here is a very simple answer. The main goal of marketing is to increase sales so that a brand or company can gain profits. Social media marketing helps a brand to market its products all over the globe without investing too much in a physical shop or advertising. In order to increase sales, Brands need more outreach and more customer engagement. People don't often visit websites and buy products. They only visit a website when they need something and can't wait to get it. But on social media a brand has the power to visually attracts a customer and change their mind. Most of the times when we see a good product on social media, we start thinking about buying it even if we had no need of it. If a Brand waits for the customer to feel the needs and then visit their shop, they won't get maximum sales. In order to get maximum sales a brand need to make its audience feel the need of their products and that's the main benefit of social media marketing you can create the need of your products in your audience's mind. 

Choosing right Social Media Strategy:

    Although social media and its use is very common these days but creating a right social media strategy is the key to success. randomly starting to post on a social media won't give you the best results therefore keep these factors in mind when planning your next social media strategy.

Choosing best suited platform for your business:

    First step of any social media marketing strategy is to choose which platform suits your business the most. As we know each social platform has different audience and every audience has different interests. Not every platform suits every business so don't make your times and efforts go waste. For your convenience we have sorted all the social platforms and here are the types of business that works well on different social platforms. 

Type of content:

    Second most important step in any social media marketing strategy is to define what type of content you can share on that chosen platform. For example, you can upload texts, images and videos to any social platform, but you have to define what type of content your users would love to see. If your users are readers, then you can post more text-based content but if they like to interact with video content more then you need to focus on producing video content not text based content. Also, on social media you have a very less time to attract your audience before they scroll your posts. Thats why always choose highly attractive content to attract your audience.

Creating content calendar:

    Content calendar is something most of the social media marketers should do but unfortunately not every social media expert makes content calendar. A content calendar helps you focus on your posting schedules. Posting schedules are very important on social media to gain more reach. Random posting on social platforms is not a best practice as every social media has a specific user active time therefor always create a content calendar and post accordingly. 

Uploading Video-based content:

    Reels are the new trends of social media and almost every social platform has this feature to upload short reels. Sort reels can increase your audience reach by 50% and can help you get potential user engagement. Al reels are the best way to showcase your products in short time allowing your audience to visually see your product and get attracted towards it.

Engaging Audience:

    Engaging audience might sound easy but from the experience of big giants in marketing industry it is the most difficult process of any social media marketing strategy. When talking about engaging customers it means to have your audience always active and interested in your content. Once you have such an audience you will notice that your sales are boosted in no time without any paid advertisements.  

Creating Regular Events:

    Creating events also helps in boosting your social reach. Most of the beginners do this mistake as they don't include events in their marketing. Regular creation of events helps in increasing user engagement and real time audience response. Doing this on regular basis can potentially help any business to gain new customers. 

Using High Quality visuals:

    High quality and visually appealing content can boost your audience reach, engagement and new users by 30%. Image and reel content have more tendency to engage users rather than a text-based post and the reason is very simple, visuals. The better your visuals are the more chances you have to gain success on social media platform.

Understanding the role of Facebook Marketplace:

    Facebook marketplace is one the most underrated service by new social media marketers. If you are a product-based business, you need to include Facebook marketplace in your content calendar. Regular posting products in Facebook marketplace can double your sales and the best part is its all free and you won't need to run any ads to generate leads or conversions.

Right tools for social media marketing:

    Choosing right tools for your social media marketing can really make a big difference. There are several tools available online to help increase your social media marketing like Keyword researching tools, Trends finder tools, reels creating tools like Capcut and most importantly free image creating tools. choosing right tools for your social media marketing can reduce your time and efforts by half and will double your marketing outputs easily.
Keyword research tool: wordstream 
Trends finder tool: buzzsumo
Free image tool: canva

Updating Strategy on regular basis:

    Updating social media strategy is a very important task in content calendar. Most of the beginner and industries keep on following the same strategy over the years resulting in less social media reach and sales. Social media platforms are trend-oriented platforms and trends keeps on updating every day. If you want your social media strategy to work, you need to update it on regular basis and include trends in your social media strategy. 

Benefits of Social Media Marketing:

    A good social media marketing plays a vital role in a brand's success. Most of the popular brands use social media channels as their main prior platforms for marketing. For example, Nike and Adidas are one of the world's most popular brands and both these brand's Instagram pages have over one thousand posts. Every time they collab with a celebrity or launch a new product they first showcase it on their social handlers. Here are some points on which a good social media marketing strategy affects: 

  • Helps building Brand awareness and Identity
  • Increases Reach and Engagement with target audience
  • Increases Audience conversion rate
  • Creates brand's loyalty toward its audience
  • Provides worldwide engagement with less hassle
  • Keeps your business related and trending 

Conclusion (Why choose social media marketing):

    As we have discussed all the important factors and benefits of social media marketing it is quite obvious that every brand has opportunity to gain success on social media with right efforts. Its less investment and more profit. Social media is the present and it is without any doubt most affecting way of getting success. A good social media marketing helps in building the roots of a brand and therefor it is suggested to every new Brand and company to take some time in creating and implementing their social strategy. 

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