Top 10 ranking factors for YouTube video


    YouTube is without any hesitation one of the most used platform these days. some of you know it as a social media platform and some of you know it as a search engine but the fact is that in this modern era of technology, information and artificial intelligence; YouTube is still one of the most used and trusted platforms to gather information about anything. YouTube provides you with every knowledge possible today. we often use YouTube to find solution of our daily life problems like how to use a washing machine, how to install windows in a laptop or any other household or kitchen remedies. Now you understand how helpful YouTube is in our daily lives is but most of us are still suffering to get views on our YouTube videos and that's why today we will be discussing how to rank a video on YouTube.
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What is YouTube ranking?  

    YouTube is now the hub of information and that's why you can find almost hundreds of videos on every topic. The question is how YouTube identifies which video to show on top and which one to ignore? In order to understand that we need to understand how YouTube ranking works. YouTube works on the basis of several algorithms that help YouTube identify the quality videos for its user. these algorithms judge a video on the basis of relevancy, quality and audience retention. keep these terms noted, we will be discussing these terms later in the blog. After determining these factors YouTube shows the result in its search results depending on what audience is looking for.

10 ranking factors for YouTube video:


    Keywords are the most important factors for any content. Either it is a search engine or a social media platform, keywords are the factors that shows relevancy to the search engines and social media platform. This is the reason we need good keywords in our content. imagine that you are explaining something, but you don't use some specific and important terms that everyone already knows. Definitely it will be hard for that audience to relate with what you are saying. In order to make a content understandable and relatable, we always need some specific keywords in it and that's where keyword research comes in. on YouTube, keyword research is the same important as of a website. A YouTube video contains keywords in its Title, Closed captions, Video descriptions and the Tags used in that video. Therefore, keyword research is very important as we need best performing keywords everywhere in our YouTube video.

Optimized video titles:

    On YouTube, video titles are the second most important factor after a good thumbnail. a video title is the representation of that video and a quick explanation of what that video contains. Most of the beginners do this mistake that they just use some keywords in their titles and thinks that it will work but that's not the case. Optimizing a video title means that you have to create such a title that has the potential to attract it audience instantly. By using keywords, your video will only appear in the search results but having a good thumbnail and an optimized title will encourage the users to click on your video. An optimized title contains a few things such as:
  • A catchy statement
  • A good keyword
  • Use of question phrase like how and why
  • Closed captions 

Writing a compelling description:

    A description is a short explanation of your content and similarly on YouTube you have the option to provide the description of your video. a small portion of this description is also displayed under your video when it appears in search result. This description helps your audience to understand what is inside your video. sometimes our titles are not enough and that's where a good description help. it explains the all the important factors of your YouTube video that your title couldn't. Also writing a compelling description is one of the basic factors that impact on Audience retention. Audience retention means how long your audience keep watching your video. when we write a compelling description it helps our audience to understand the summary of our video.

Using relevant tags:

    You must have heard about tags from Twitter or Instagram as Hashtags. These hashtags are used to show in which category our posts come. Sometimes you use a hashtag like #summerholiday or #friends or #trending. These tags help that platform to identify the category of your post. Similarly, on YouTube we also use these tags, but these tags are not just some social trending words infact we use keywords as our tags. These keywords-based tags help building relevancy and ranking our YouTube video in the YouTube search result.


    Thumbnails are one of the most important factors in helping a YouTube video to get more views. Thumbnails are the first impression of your YouTube video as it is the main image that is displayed on your video when it appears in the search result. Some of you might also know about clickbait thumbnails. These were the thumbnails that were used by spammers as they use different information on their thumbnails and provides different information in their videos. This is also called click baiting. We don't recommend you use this technique as it is officially banned by YouTube. How ever there many other ways to create an attractive thumbnail for your YouTube video. Firstly, create a simple and classic thumbnails that includes images. Secondly, use big and simple text on your thumbnails that is understandable to your audience. Thirdly, write catchy words and phrases on your thumbnails. Fourth, Optimize the thumbnail image so that it loads instantly.

Engaging your audience:

    Audience engagement is very necessary for any platform. A contents worth is determined by how engaging its audience is. if you upload a video on YouTube and there are no likes no comments no shares and only a few views then YouTube will not see it as a content that should be recommended. YouTube only recommend the content that has the potential to be liked. and YouTube identifies that potential by engagements on a video. In order to get more engagements, try to create a good content that your audience likes, encourage your audience in your videos to like your content, subscribe your channel and share your videos with others but all of this is possible if you create a content that is useful to a big number of audiences. 

Watch time:

    Watch time is something that every youtuber focus on. Watch time is basically the total amount of time that your audience had spent watching your videos. most of the new youtubers mix it with retention time but both of these times are different. Watch time helps channel earn more from AdSense. The more watch time you have the more valued ads you get for your YouTube video and the more valued Ads you get the more income you generate.  

Audience retention:

    Audience retention is a very important factor although it's ignored by most of the YouTubers. Audience retention means how much time your audience keep watching your videos. For example, you uploaded an hour-long video on your YouTube channel and all your audience watch that video for only 30 minutes. in this case your audience retention time for that video would be 30 minutes. audience retention time shows YouTube that how interesting your content is. More retention time indicates that people watch most of your video and do not skip any portion of your video. Thus, such content is promoted by YouTube. 

Promoting Video:

    Promoting a YouTube video is a key factor for getting more views and reach. Even though it is recommended that you do the organic efforts and let your video get ranked but you also have to promote it by other means like sharing it across the platforms or linking it on your website. Sharing on social media, reels and on website helps you get audience on your YouTube channel. A better strategy for sharing is to cut the important and interesting parts of your YouTube video, create a reel of those sections and share it on all over the social media. 


    Collaborations are the most instant and quick way of getting YouTube views. Collaboration works in a way when a YouTube channel that has a small number of audiences collaborate or create a content with a YouTube channel with a large number of audiences. a very classic example of this strategy is to create podcasts. we see many youtubers these days who are creating podcasts with famous youtubers, actors and public figures. in this way that small audience channels get more audience because of the fame of that other person he is collaborating with. hence if anyone on YouTube wants to get instant and quick audience, they can simply collaborate with any famous person brand or public figure.


    No doubt consistency is the key to everything. No matter what you do, if you are not consistent in it you will not get success. on YouTube consistency matters a lot and that's why creating a content calendar and uploading regular videos and shorts on YouTube channel will increase your views and watch time significantly. 


    YouTube is a not an easy platform to get success. Most of the people thinks that they will just copy someone's ideas and strategies and that will boost their YouTube channel but that's not the case. All of these tips are just to teach you that how can you follow the step-by-step process for YouTube success and grow your channel to earn more. We always recommend you to be unique in your ideas, spread positive content and make your own space between everyone that is already successful on YouTube.

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