How to create account on and get your first client

Introduction to is one of the most popular platforms for online earning. After the success of Fiver and Upwork, many freelancing platforms emerged and one of them is Freelancer claims to be the largest crowdsourcing and freelancing marketplace by the number of users and projects. Freelancer has over 73 million users covering 247 countries, regions and territories making it a global marketplace for jobs and projects.

Create account on freelancer and get your first client
How to create account on

How works? works like most of the other freelancing platforms such as Fiver and Upwork. You can either post projects on freelancer or can pick projects on the basis of your interests. Unlike other freelancing platforms on freelancer, you don't need two accounts, you can simply create and account and post projects or pick projects at the same time. This is by far one of the biggest differences in the working of freelancer and other platforms. Aside of that freelancer also provides a lot of better features like Easy bank account payments, Projects and contests, Easy bidding methods and more. we will be discussing them below. 

Why is better for beginners? is one of the best freelancing platforms for beginners. Here let me explain why? First of all, let's talk about the issues that a new freelancer face. Every new freelancer suffers from experience, so they have no reviews on their freelancing profiles, hence they get no projects. Also, a new freelancer does not know how to create fiver gigs and even if someone learns it from YouTube, their gigs still don't get ranked on fiver hence they get no projects again. These platforms like Fiver and Upwork has made freelancing difficult for the new freelancers. We all know that a new freelancer has no experiences most of the time and they are already suffering to get clients. So how do you justify such a difficult process for getting a client. There is one more problem that is by far the most disturbing one for a freelancer and that is Payment gateways. On Fiver and Upwork payment gateways verifications is very difficult and most of the times these verifications fail. provide a very easy and simple way of Payment Gateways and make it easy for new freelancers to get their payments in their account.

How to create an account on

    In order to create an account on freelancer you need an email to sign up. There is another way to sign up and that is signup with Facebook. You can use any of these ways to sign up on Freelancer. we recommend you use your email to Sign up on freelancer

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In this step Enter your first name and last name. Do not use fake names or nick names as it can cause your account to get banned. After that enter your email that you want to use. make sure you use the email that is already logged in the same browser you are currently using. We recommend this in case you receive a verification code on your email you can quickly open it. After that enter a new password for your account. Make sure your password is not the same as your email's password. Click on the check box and then click on Join Freelancer. 
Next step is choosing a username. A username is simply the name by which you clients can reach to your profile easily on freelancer. make sure when you are writing a username you write a simple username, and your username represents your true identity. Don't use nicknames or other words. in case your name is already taken than you can write your name and put the same number that is present in your email for example if we you are using an email: then you can write your username as: name12. 

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After writing your username, click on next and then you will be asked if you want to work on freelancer or you want to hire a freelancer. This is a very important step so don't do any mistake as it will show that why you are joining the platform. Simply click on I want to work.

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After selecting account type you will be taken to next screen where you will be asked to link your accounts. this step is not compulsory at the moment so you can skip this step for now. This won't affect your account in any way so simply click on skip button. 

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After clicking on skip button, you will be asked to check your name and upload a real profile picture. Note: this picture will be takes live from your camera and it will be used to identify your real identity so make sure you have a clear picture.
After uploading your picture click on next and you will be taken to one of the most important steps where you will write a profile headline and summary. Profile headline is the main title of your work fields like Graphic designer or an SEO expert etc. You will get a clear idea from this image.

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When writing a headline and summary make sure you write it with confidence and in a professional way. Do not use copy paste words as it shows clients that you are not good at your own work. Be creative and write your own headline and summary. 
Next step is to select the language you speak and your date of birth. This step is very simple so just select the languages you speak and add your exact birthdate as per your id card. Don't add a fake birthdate as it will be verified later.
Next step is verifying payment method. You can skip this part as it is also not that important right now. All the verification can be done once the account is created so skip this step for now.

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After skipping this step, you will be taken to your profile. 

How to get your first client on

    Every new freelancer faces this issue that how they will get their first client on the platform, and we will explain you how to get your first client by using a very simple strategy. On you have a section named contests. In this section clients posts open projects which means anyone can do that project and post it. If the client likes your work, they will give you a review and also, they are much likely to give you the fee. This contest section is very important for a new freelancer because new freelancers does not have any reviews on their profiles so you can simply take part in the contests and get reviews by the clients. Also, one of the most helpful features for a new freelancer is that you get 6 bids daily and its totally free. So, you can bid on 6 projects for free every day and you don't have to buy new connects or bids. keep participating in contests and bid on 6 projects every day and you will get a client faster than you can imagine. Also, this will help you build portfolio quicker and upgrade your experience level. 

There are many more tips to work on freelancer and those tips will be covered in the next blog.

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