What are Backlinks, how to create and buy backlinks

Introduction to Backlinks:

    Backlinks are one of the most important practices in off-page SEO. backlinks play a vital role in creating web presence and converting more traffic to a website. According to google backlinks help a website not only in getting audience but also helps a website get more web presence, better indexing rate and more chances of ranking. The google algorithm doesn't just use your website to rank pages; it uses your entire web presence. According to First Sage Page backlinks alone make up 16% of ranking factors. Today we will learn why backlinks are so important in off-page SEO and how to create backlinks in the easiest way.

Backlink success


    Backlinks are the links that connect one webpage to another webpage or one domain to another domain. These links transfer domain authority or page authority from one domain to another domain or one webpage to another webpage. This transferring of authority is also known as link juice. In most of the cases backlinks are known as the bridge between two domains. This bridge helps both the audience and google bots to channel from one domain to another. The more bridges you create, the more popular, trustworthy and engaging website you have.

Types of backlinks:

    Backlinks are divided in to two main categories on the basis of working.

  1. Inbound backlinks
  2. Outbound backlinks

Inbound Backlinks:  

  Inbound backlinks are those types of backlinks that are present on other than your webpages or domains. These backlinks are created to gain traffic, trustworthiness and authority of a website. Inbound backlinks are helpful for a new website and low traffic webpages. These links help a website to establish its authority. 

Having inbound backlink is like someone vouching for you and your credibility. Just like in our daily life we trust on people when someone tells us that they are trustable, similarly google algorithms also prefer that a new website has inbound backlinks on other websites which shows a sign of trustworthiness. 
Although there are many types of Inbound backlinks, but we will only discuss the top 5 Inbound backlinks.

Editorial backlinks:

    Editorial backlinks are those backlinks that are given to website on the basis of its great work. Thes backlinks are purely organic as you don't need to ask any website for these backlinks. When other website feels your need and understand the value of work you are doing, they automatically place your links on their webpages hence providing you the best backlink you can possibly get.

Social Backlinks:  

    Social backlinks are the most common types of inbound backlinks. As their name says, these are the links of your webpages on different social platforms. This is a very common strategy as it is free and very easy to do there for many websites are currently using these backlinks for their webpages. Remember that these social backlinks wont channel that much authority but will give you some web presence and that's enough from a social media.

Comment Backlinks:

    Comment backlinks are one of the easiest ways of getting backlinks. When commenting on a blog or a social post you are allowed to share links. These links help you transfer traffic from that post. Although these links do not transfer authority but are very helpful in brand awareness and acquiring traffic.

Do-follow backlinks:

    Do-follow backlinks are the most valuable backlinks. When your link is posted on a website, that website can set your link as do-follow. This will enforce google bots and crawler to crawl your link as a priority content helping your webpage get the proper authority and web presence. Acquiring do-follow backlinks is not that easy task as your content needs to be worthy to get it. The basic strategy to acquire do-follow backlinks is to pay high authority domains. 

No-follow Backlinks:

    No-follow backlinks are the links in which a website keeps your backlinks on their pages but tells google bots to not prioritize your link. These links are often misunderstood as most of the SEO experts thinks that there is no benefit of no-follow backlinks but actually they have. When your link is present on a website, even if it is mentioned as no-follow backlink but it still provides you the benefit of being there. that backlink will transfer you traffic and some of the authority from that website as it is present there. 

Now let's talk about Outbound Backlinks

    Outbound backlinks are simply those links that help in navigating traffic from your webpage to another webpage. That other page can also be a different page of your website or can be a webpage of another website. Outbound backlinks are mostly considered for navigating users on a website and helps them to find out useful content. Outbound backlinks boost a website performance and helps retain user engagement time on a website. Outbound backlinks help a website make its credibility Infront of its users by providing prove of authenticity.

Backlink's role in off-page SEO:

    Backlinks plays a vital role in off-page SEO. According to google" Backlinks helps increase your websites visibility in Google index". Backlinks increase a website visibility and chances to get ranked. here are some main advantages of backlinks.
  •    Increase web presence
  •     Increase visibility in Google index
  •     Increase your domain authority
  •     More chances for SERP ranking
  •     Increase your website's traffic

What is Google Stacking?

    Google stacking is a Grey-Hat SEO technique used by experienced SEO personals.  Google stacking a links building technique which includes Google's own products which can include
    Google slides
    Google forms
    Google sheets
    Google docs
    Google maps
    Google sites
    Google blogger
and more. 
Google stacking is used for instant backlinks as they give you the freedom to build backlinks without relying on other website owners. You just simply use google products to build your backlinks. In google stacking you use google products like google drive and create your folders and sub folders using your keywords and publish them to web. After that you interlink those keyword-based folders and sub folders to your site and generate the backlink. This is a complex process as it is almost similar to creating a website from scratch but this way you can generate your own backlinks.

How to Buy backlinks:

    The most common method used by almost every new website owner is to buy backlinks from high authority websites. In this method you simply pay a website to give you a backlink. There are many factors to keep in mind while you are buying a backlink as a lot of unexperienced site owner face issues after buying backlinks. Some of the important factors are 

  •     Check Domain Authority (DA) of that website
  •     Check Page Authority (PA) where your backlink will be placed 
  •     Check Spam Score (SS) of that website 
  •     Check Niche relevancy
  •     Compare budget with market value 
  •     Audit your backlinks 1 week after you buy them

(Note: Buying backlinks is not better than organic backlinks, Google also prefer organic backlinks so always go for creating organic backlinks)

How to audit backlinks:

    Auditing your backlinks on regular basis is very important. Most of the websites ignore this step and after some time their backlinks are completely useless as they never noticed the performance of their backlinks. A regular link audit can help you evaluate any risky links and by optimizing your link strategy you can get more from those links. So, let's understand step by step how to audit a backlink.

Find the backlinks for your website:

        In order to audit your backlinks, you first need to find all the backlinks your website has. to do that you simply login to google search console. Once you log in, On the side menu you will see a tab named "Links". Once you click on that option Search console will provide you these sections:
External links
Internal links
Under External links you can see all the Top linked pages to your site, Top linking sites to your website and Top linking text to your website.
Google Search Console link menu interface

If you don't have the access of Google Search Console, then don't worry we got an alternative for you. You can use link analysis tools like

Niel Patel


Rank signals 

Majestic SEO



SEO SpyGlass



You can use these 9 websites to find out backlinks of your website. All these platforms provide you a lot of information on a website's link profile. no matter which platform you use your main focus should be these points:

  •     List of Backlinks
  •     List of unhealthy or dead backlinks
  •     Domain authority of those backlinks
  •     Page authority of those backlinks 
  •     Spam Score of those websites  

After finding out the backlinks and their reports from these above-mentioned platforms you need to gather a comparative report of your backlinks but before you do that you need to check one more thing and that is if your links have any penalties or not. There are two types of penalties manual and algorithmic. 

Manual penalties happen when someone reports your link as spam or misleading and 

Algorithmic penalties happen when Google's latest algorithm Penguin finds any issue in your link profile. Both these penalties result in rank loss and eventually the loss of traffic from those backlinks.

Organic ways of getting backlinks: 

    Organic backlinks are the best backlinks but most of us don't know how to get organic backlinks. Here are few tips to get organic backlinks: 

  •     Writing Blogs on trending news and information
  •     Providing a free tool or service on your website
  •     Providing information on first basis so that other websites can relate 


    In the End you need to understand one thing that getting a backlink depends on the quality of content on your website. if you do not work on making the quality of content better, you will face troubles getting backlinks. Websites always link to such sites that are unique in their information and provides data that is helpful to refer. 

Ask for any queries or marketing tips on our Facebook Page or send us an email at digitalmarketing7747@gmail.com.

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