Email marketing: Definition, Types and Importance in Digital Marketing


        Email marketing is one of the most underrated and ignored type of marketing by the new marketers. Most of the marketing brands and experts ignores email marketing eventho email marketing is one of its kind where you can generate 4000% increase in engagements. Email marketing is usually known for better engagement opportunities as it helps brands to build connection with their audience. today we will learn what is Email marketing, what are its types and how can we use it to do a better marketing.
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      Email marketing is that type of marketing which uses email services to reach its audience. Those email services can include the general email services like gmail or outlook and also the business email services. Email marketing is commonly used to generate more leads, sales and brand awareness. Aside of that email marketing can help in many ways like building trust, engaging audience and influencing specific actions on your audience.

Types of Email Marketing

1 Newsletter emails:

        Newsletter emails are the most commonly knowned emails that are sent to audience for marketing. Newsletter emails generally contain the news, updates and special announcements from any brand or business. These types of emails help a brand to keep its audience up to date with its lates brand or business updates. Sending regular newsletters to your audience helps you keep an active audience network and gain more engagements.

2 Promotional emails:

        Promotional emails are usually sent by the ecommerce-based websites or businesses that involves any kind of sales, offers or subscriptions. Promotional emails help in increasing more sales and encouraging audience to buy more from you. The best way to do a promotional email marketing is to show your audience what they are missing, what they could get from you and what special offers you have for them. In this way they won't feel forced by your offers and promotions.

3 Abandoned-Cart emails:

        As its name says this email is specifically designed for the type of audience that comes to your platform and chooses some products, add them to cart but leave without checking out. For such audience this email is sent so they can be brought back to your platform and continue buying. when you go to a shopping center and put things in cart but abandon the cart somewhere. It's obvious that the shopping mall retailers would approach you advise you to use your cart and check out or simply pay for that. similarly, a brand or business can't just ignore a user who came to their site, chose some products, added them to cart but didn't check out. Each and every costumer matters and that is why you approach them by sending this type of email and encourage them to continue buying.

4 Welcome emails:

        Welcome emails are one of the most impressing emails as they are your first interaction with your audience. Every time a user Sign up on your platform, create an account or buy premiums you send them a welcome email so that they feel their importance and specialty of your platform. Making your audience feel like they belong to a community also helps businesses and brands to gain more audience.

5 Transactional emails:

       Transactional emails are automatically generated when your user performs a transaction or confirms an order. these emails are also sent when a user request for passwords recovering, OTP requests or shipping details. These emails help the user to feel that you as a business know your responsibility towards their needs and security. 

6 Behavioral emails:

     Behavioral emails are that type of emails which are sent to the audience on the basis of their activities, actions and recent history on a platform. for example, when a costumer likes a product on a website, or subscribe to a specific service or requests a special product, their history helps the brand to recommend them a similar result in email. Thus, a brand can promote its products or services on the basis of user's interests.

7 Segmented emails:

     These emails are based on the difference of user's specific details and demographics. each brand or business that operates in different regions or different countries has to make a different approach for those people. Every person has their own demographics and therefor they require offers and details according to their needs. A brand should focus on making its audience feel like you belong to their region, and you have facilities and offers specifically for those demographics.

8 Automated emails:

        Automated emails are very simple, and their working principle is very understandable. consider an example of entering a shop where a person is standing at the door who greets every customer that enters the shop by saying" Good morning" or "Have a good day sir". Similarly, when you sign up to a platform online or subscribe to their services or buy a product, some automated emails are generated and sent to you in the form of "Welcome to our platform" or "Thank you for buying our products or subscribing our services". these automated emails help a user to feel appreciated and valuable when they perform a valuable action on your platform.

9 Win-back emails:

      These emails are specifically sent to those costumers or users who had bought or availed a service from your platforms but left you for some inconvenience or misconduct by your platform. therefore, to win them back a business or brand choose to send them win-back emails where they give them special offers and apologies for inconvenience so that they can return to your platform and avail your services again. 

10 Survey or feedback emails:

      These emails are one of the most important type of emails in any email marketing. these emails contain special surveys and feedback where your customers or clients can give their responses and guide you to how can you as a brand become better and what issues are your audience currently facing. these emails specifically help small businesses because they are still in the learning process and the better they understand what their audience needs the better they become. 

11 Educational emails:

    These emails are especially made to teach and educate the audience about your products, services and platforms. In this modern era of social media these emails are used by many platforms like LinkedIn and Quora. these platforms send regular emails on how they can work on your platform and get more out of it. Always remember that your audience might feel issues in using your platforms so keep educating them to help them.

12 Seasonal or holiday emails:

    Seasonal or holiday emails are based on special occasions that happens in every region and culture. Each brand focus on making more leads and sales by targeting these special holiday events. It does not matter if those holidays are happening in the brand's region. if that event or holiday is in the different region but that brand has audience in that region, so it should avail those special events and holidays and focus on being part of its audience. This helps in generating more leads than a normal campaign.

13 Re-engagement emails:

     These emails are sent to make the audience active. There is a time where every brand and business face this issue where its audience network is increased but its sales are not increasing as its audience is not active anymore. Therefore, re-engagement emails are sent to make the audience active again and get better sales. Remember, "A normal audience network with more active members is better than a big audience network with less active members".

14 Upsell or Cross-sell emails:

    Upsell or cross-sell emails are like a premium email marketing. Most of the times people purchase basic plans on a platform or normal services or subscription like on Netflix not everyone buys an account with 4k resolution as it costs more and have features that everyone doesn't need. But every brand wants to gain more profit and that's where upsell email marketing dives in. Brands shows it audience what they are missing in premium features and influence them to upgrade their packages. 

15 Audience special day emails:

    Audience special day emails are that type of email marketing where a brand focus on every single costumer and tries to celebrate its audience special day by giving them special discounts. These emails mainly contain promotions and special offers that are only for that specific audience.

These are some common types of emails that are used in email marketing. You can use these approaches to benefit your brand and business. 

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