What is Facebook Ads Manager, How and Why to use.


        Facebook is one of the fastest growing social media platforms now a days. Most of us just know Facebook as a social media platform but we are sure that you must have heard about marketing on Facebook. Yes, this is true. Facebook is now being used by millions of brands and small business owners to grow their business. Facebook introduced Facebook Ads manager to help these brands and small businesses to run their ads using this platform which is no doubt one of the easiest ways for anyone to do marketing. Today we will learn about how Facebook changed the whole digital marketing world and how people are earning from Facebook.
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Introduction to Facebook audience base:

    Facebook is the most populated social media platform. There are over 2.9 billion accounts currently active on Facebook every day and only India has 366 million alone. From these stats you can easily understand the value of this billions dollar industry. Now who would want to waste the opportunity of marketing in such a big audience network. Facebook has the broadest audience demographics which means that on Facebook you can find audience from almost every location, Every age category, both genders and with every interests. If you are a sports business, you will find audience interested in sports and if you are makeup brand you will find audience interested in makeup products. In short there is no business in the world that can't find its respected audience on Facebook.

What is Facebook ads manager:

    Facebook ads manager is a Facebook tool that allows and helps the Facebook account holders to manage and run their Ads. Note that this feature is purely owned by Facebook so you cannot use this feature unless you have a Facebook account. Facebook Ads manager is almost similar to Google Ads in terms of facility. Just like on Google ads you run your Ads all over the websites and platforms that google own, you can do the same on Facebook Ads manager. The only difference is that Facebook has its own platforms to show ads and google ads has its own. Facebook Ads manager allows you to run your Ads all over the Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp and Messenger. There for any business can cover all these platforms for marketing by using just one single Facebook Ads manager. 

Why use Facebook Ads Manager:

    Facebook Ads manager not only just help any business to run its ads all over the Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp and Messenger but it also provides you a lot of targeting facilities. Facebook Ads manager allows you to run ads for any location, any age, any gender or any keyword you want. Therefore, the result of those Ads is very specific and helpful to any business. Also, one of the biggest benefits of Facebook ads manager is that it allows you to run ads with a minimum budget of 300 PKR or almost 1 Dollar. This shows that how helpful is Facebook ads manager for the small business owners who cannot spend a lot of money on ad campaigns. How ever the more you spend the more you get.

How does Facebook ads manager work:

    Facebook ad manager work in a very simple way. All you need is a few things. Here is the list of things you need to use Facebook Ads manager.
  1. Facebook Account
  2. Facebook Page
  3. Bank Account (Debit card or Credit card)
  4. A Website (if you have)
  5. A Phone number
First of all, you create an account on Facebook. try to use an account that is a little old as Facebook trust old accounts. Use that account in normal activities and do not get involved in any activities that are restricted on Facebook because Facebook will restrict your account and Facebook ad manager.

Secondly you need a Facebook page. In marketing terms, we call it a Facebook Business page as it is the page of your business on Facebook. Use this page to provide all the information of your business on Facebook and post all the products and services on this page.

Third you need a Bank account. Facebook ads manager will ask for your debit card or credit card information when you open the Facebook ads manager for the first time. Just simply add the debit or credit card details and start using Facebook ads manager.

Fourth you need a website. This is not compulsory. If you have a website of your business, it would be better but in case you don't have a website then don't worry. Facebook will use your business page as your website and your audience will come to your page.

Fifth you need a phone number. This is a very important thing you need as this number will be used to create your Business WhatsApp and your audience will call you on this number. You can use this number in your Facebook ads so that every time your audience see your Ads, they can call on your Business WhatsApp directly.

Who can use Facebook ads manager:

    From every big brand to small business can use Facebook ads manager. You can sell any product on Facebook that is legal, you can sell any service you provide, Cars, Medications, Rental services, Therapies Sessions, Gym facilities and much more. so therefore, you have all the opportunity to use Facebook ads manager for your business. 


    Hence from all the facts and advantages of Facebook ads manager
explained above, we can clearly say that Facebook ads manager is not a service to ignore in this modern technology world. It is recommended for every business to use Facebook ads manager to grow it sales and user engagement. there are many strategies and ways to create a campaign on Facebook ads manager. Keep following our social media handlers and stay up to date.

Ask for any queries or marketing tips on our Facebook Page or send us an email at digitalmarketing7747@gmail.com.

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